Did you know that being active and participating in events will improve your wellbeing? It can also help build your confidence and improve your social skills to feel less lonely and isolated.
Through the commissioned Wellbeing service, we can link you to lots of different activities available in Barnet. Some of the activities include classes, workshops, and courses which you can participate in and are provided by different charities, leisure centres, and other organisations. They are delivered in relaxed and informal settings where you can develop new interests and form friendships to improve your wellbeing and recovery. Outside of the Hub, there are some fantastic activities available from organisations across Barnet, and we have included some of them below.
With so much on offer, you are sure to find something that you will want to try. Likewise, there is too much to list, so we have listed some highlights and recommend checking the following websites for their latest news.
What activities are on offer?
Each box contains details of activities being provided by different organisations in Barnet. The information is linked directly to the individual websites for the most up-to-date information.
How can I access these activities?
There are two ways to access these activities, either through the Wellbeing Hub, contact details below, who will refer you, or by making direct contact with each organisation to sign up.
Access through The Wellbeing Hub
Please fill out the relevant referral form
Once you have completed your form, please return it to
Contact The Wellbeing Hub 03333 449 088
You can also contact organisations directly; use the links below to visit the organisation for more information.
If you are an organisation running activities for residents and would like them listed below, please get in touch.
Wellbeing Services from Wellbeing Partners
The following organisations are part of the integrated Wellbeing Sevice in Barnet and offer a great range of activities through our service partners below.

Barnet Mencap has a wide range of classes and sports activities to try, including:
Cultural evenings; Dance and Drama; E-Safety; Health Workshops; History Series; Over 50's Art Group; Relationship and Sexual Health Courses; Sports Taster Sessions and Activities.
They also hold cultural and social evenings. Check their website for new activities and classes. Visit their website for a full list of activities here.

New Citizens' Gateway has a wide range of classes and workshops for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and other residents of Barnet including:
Esol Classes; ESOL Mothers and Toddlers (under 5) ESOL Youth Classes; Gardening Project; Health and Wellbeing Workshops; Women's Group - Jasmine Bamer Group; Mental Health and Wellbeing workshops.
Formerly known as Barnet Refugee Service.
Visit their website for a full list of activities here.

Meridian Wellbeing delivers a range of activities
These include wellbeing workshops and courses, active wellbeing classes, self-help resources produced by qualified therapists, a Peer Support service, monthly wellbeing events, The Word on Wellbeing podcast and much more. You can find out more by visiting their website here.
Visit their website for a full list of activities here.

Mind in Enfield and Barnet run a range of activities and courses including
Art for Wellbeing; Confidence Through Comedy; Employment Support: Social Groups; Wellbeing Workshops and Training.
Visit their website for a full list of activities here.
Wider wellbeing services available in Barnet
The following organisations offer a great range of wellbeing services in Barnet and although not directly commissioned through the wellbeing service they offer really valuable and vital support, advice, activities and services for wellbeing in addition to their core services. This list is not exhaustive and if you would like us to add your details to this site, please get in touch.

Age UK Barnet offers a huge range of activities including
Art Classes; Book Group; Bollywood Dancing; Cakes and Baking; Choir; International Cuisine Cooking; Indian Cooking Class; Knit and Natter; Men's Newspaper Group; Tray Bakes; Standing or Seated Keep Fit; Walking Groups.
They also hold events and workshops. Check their website for new activities and classes. Visit their website for a full list of activities on their website here

Community Focus offers a huge range of activities including
Art Classes; Creative Writing; Ceramics; Computer Sessions; Choir; Drumming; Cooking; Jewellery Making; Photography; Wellbeing Through Meditation and so much more.
Check their website for new activities and classes.
Visit their website for a full list of activities on their website here