Service Events
Hub Connections
Hub Connections is a quarterly event hosted by the Barnet Wellbeing Service, where service users, service providers, health commissioners and other stakeholders come together to showcase and celebrate general wellbeing, as well as the voluntary and community services which support Barnet residents.
We're looking forward to our next Hub Connections event and will be posting the new dates and details soon.
Cancer Awareness in Barnet
In May 2021, a new local campaign was launched in Barnet to encourage individuals who have symptoms that may be suggestive of cancer to contact their GP practice. Delivered by the North Central London Cancer Alliance in collaboration with the NCL Clinical Commissioning Group and council Public Health team, the campaign aimed to increase the number of people taking part in screening when invited.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September marked Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. We worked with Public Health Barnet to bring a series of virtual presentations and talks focusing on suicide prevention delivered by various individuals and organisations throughout the month.
You can rewatch the presentations here

Self-Care Week November 2020
We hosted this event with over 90 participants in the autumn of 2020 in support of the North Central London Clinical commissioning group. We aimed to encourage and empower residents to learn more about taking care of themselves and their families.
You can view the presentation here.

Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn
In partnership with Public Health, we hosted our Zero Suicide Alliance Lunch & Learn in November 2022. With over 100 attendees, we heard from a range of guest speakers who aided us in reflecting on and learning about suicide prevention in Barnet. The online event also included Zero Suicide Alliance training, helping participants have a potentially life-saving conversation with a loved one, colleague or stranger in crisis. You can rewatch the presentation here.
Blood Donation Community Project
We have partnered with the NHS to engage with Black communities in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey, Islington, Hackney & Waltham Forest to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation.
The NHS is running critically low on blood donation from Black donors? Due to pressures from COVID-19 figures show that approximately 16,000 more blood donors are needed to meet the demand for those suffering from Sickle Cell Disease that requires life-saving transfusion.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
May marked Mental Health Awareness Week, with the theme being Nature and how connecting with the natural world benefits our mental health.
We hosted a variety of events and activities throughout the week with daily video messages.