Case Studies 2018 - 2019
Please note that these case studies contain detail that may upset some readers.
Case Study A
‘A’ presented at the Hub with very low self-esteem and social anxiety. During the Emotional Health Check with a navigator, ‘A’ shared that she was feeling suicidal, that she thought she would be better off dead, and there was no point in carrying on. The navigator contacted ‘A’s GP and informed them of the situation, and the GP acted immediately to offer ‘A’ an appointment on the same day.
‘A’ returned to the Wellbeing Hub after seeing her GP and said she felt more stable. She was signposted to the Wellbeing Workshops to learn more about common factors affecting wellbeing and to build up her confidence to share with others who may have experienced similar symptoms. ‘A’ has recently registered for a life coaching course on building confidence and self-esteem to look into volunteering opportunities before finding part-time employment.
'A had felt isolated and depressed but through the hub was able to build her confidence and self-esteem.
Case Study B
B, a young woman, came to the Barnet Wellbeing Hub in a highly anxious state. After working with a navigator, B said, “I came here so unwell and the Wellbeing Hub helped me to improve and be as happy as I am now.”
When she presented to the Wellbeing Hub in a desperate, highly distressed state. She had a physical disability, which she has had since birth, that affected her mobility. She was a victim of domestic violence and rape, and this had led to her attempting suicide through an overdose in the past.
She shared that she had suicidal thoughts and had a plan to end her life rather than face her issues. Once her GP was informed and the appropriate crisis service details were shared, and an Emotional Health Check was conducted, and information regarding potential services that could help ‘B’ was provided.
Several months later ‘B’ returned to the Wellbeing Hub and shared that her engagement with the Hub had made her feel empowered. She did not feel judged and felt that the concerns she raised were listened to. ‘B’ now has a strong desire to volunteer in the future to stay active, take up studies, and support women who have experienced similar situations to her own.
Case Study C
'C' Joined the Hub’s workshop groups and improved his mental and emotional health. “It has now meant I can see the wood from the trees and light at the end of the tunnel, which I could never see before these classes started. I can start to become a person again back in society, which before I could not due to shame.”
When he arrived at the Wellbeing Hub, having previously experienced severe physical and mental abuse in a relationship while living in the United Arab Emirates, and before returning to the United Kingdom with a desire to restart his life. ‘C’ was in his late forties and was concerned about his future.
‘C’ was given an Emotional Health Check and directed to group sessions taking place at the Hub every Thursday afternoon, which he preferred to one-to-one therapy. He quickly began to enjoy the topics discussed during the sessions and realised that he was not alone. He shared that after starting the group sessions, life became easier, and he felt supported. He began to base his entire week around Thursdays and made sure he attended the therapy sessions at any cost. He is now looking forward to attending a new group that runs on Monday afternoons and thanked the navigator team for their support.
Case Study D
'D' was able to manage his wellbeing and was assisted by his GP to improve his condition.
Seeking asylum, ‘D’ arrived in the UK from Afghanistan in 2017 and came to the Hub with PTSD from previous experiences of torture. ‘D’ said he regularly experienced traumatic flashbacks.
He was having thoughts that he would be better off dead and had thought about “cutting his throat” prior to coming to the hub. ‘D’ had a wife and son in Afghanistan which was a factor preventing him from harming himself. He had never shared his feelings with any professionals before, not even his GP. The navigator contacted ‘D’s GP, who offered ‘D’ an appointment the following morning as an urgent case and prescribed different medication to help him manage his symptoms.
‘D’ said he was pleased with the outcome and expressed his gratitude to the Wellbeing Hub. He finally felt listened to and understood, and said that the Hub had been vital in improving his wellbeing.
Case Study E
'E' worked with the navigator team to develop a Wellbeing Plan and began to engage with the Wellbeing Workshops, improving her mental health.
She came to the Hub having suffered from sexual and emotional abuse before arriving in the UK. ‘E’ had left her native country with a strong desire to pursue studies and education abroad.
Since presenting to the Hub, she has been working towards gaining the confidence to attend a group Wellbeing Workshop. She felt listened to, had grown more confident, and felt more capable of traveling alone. ‘E’ said her overall goal is to improve her wellbeing and coping mechanisms day-to-day so that she will be able to help other women who have gone through the same thing as her.
Case Study F
'F' was able to remove herself from a negative home environment, improve her wellbeing, and begin studying.
She accessed the Hub after she moved to the UK for an arranged marriage, and said she felt like a slave with the duties expected of her by her husband and mother-in-law. ‘F’ was subject to verbal abuse daily and had attempted to commit suicide by overdose twice in the past.
During her Emotional Health Check with a navigator, she said she had a plan to kill herself, and that she would jump off a bridge that she had seen. The navigator assessed the situation as high risk and shared the contact details of the crisis team, Samaritans, and emergency services. ‘F’ consented to her case being brought to the JCM meeting.
Following the JCM meeting, ‘F’ was referred to the GP Link Worker team. ‘F’ has since made positive progress, having moved out of her home and in with a relative. ‘F’ said she is beginning to feel more positive and hopes to live more independently.
Case Study G
Case Study G was written by a service user who took part in our Online Wellbeing Programme and said it had a powerful and positive impact on her life.
“I’m 44 years old, and I live in Friern Barnet N11. On 8th March 2018, I saw my GP. At this time, I was diagnosed and treated for general anxiety, but my health declined into depression. I mentioned that I couldn’t find any community support for my current mental health condition. Dr. Gadelrab told me that there was progress in this area with two new services: the Barnet Wellbeing Hub and the Link Worker Team.
I chose the Barnet Wellbeing Hub’s Online Wellbeing Programme, as it was accessible from home. I signed up for a webinar called Mood Boost and logged onto the webinar each week for 6 weeks. Although my concentration was compromised, I am grateful for the content that I took away from this course. I strongly resonated with the tools which I still use to this day.
The Mood Boost webinar helped me to do the things that I “wanted to be seen doing more of.” I have two children, and I wanted to be more “present” for them. I was able to push myself to go out with my kids at the weekend, if only for a walk and coffee/cake. I remember finding it difficult and painful, but I also remember feeling that it was worth it.
I recovered from depression in late June 2018. The Mood Boost webinar was informative, interactive, and easy to use. It felt good to be interacting within a group – knowing we were “all in it together” – no judgment. I appreciated the polls and the Q&A function. These webinars gave me hope and manageable tools to help myself.
Thank you