Hub Connections Materials
World Mental Health Day - October 2021
Hub Connections celebrated World Mental Health Day this October. The theme this year was ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’ recognising the health inequalities that the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed and reinforced in societies throughout the world including the United Kingdom.
Such inequalities have a significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing of our most vulnerable citizens.
At Hub Connections, we heard from services that support some of these communities most at risk and vulnerable to experiencing poorer mental health.
We had the opportunity to listen and reflect on methods and solutions that can help us engage and work with harder to reach and at-risk groups as well as hearing about exciting wellbeing developments in Barnet from service partners and wider statutory and voluntary and community organisations.
You can watch the full presentation here
Emerging from Lockdown
- June 2021
Hub Connections took place on Thursday 24th June 2021 via Zoom – the theme was ‘emerging from lockdown'.
The event included a packed programme of guest speakers from a wide range of organisations, as well as the usual updates from the Barnet Wellbeing Service and partners.
Mental Health at Work
- February 2021
We focused on mental health in the workplace. With so many of us working from home or in unusual circumstances over the last year, over 70 attendees heard from Barnet Wellbeing Service partners such as Meridian Wellbeing and Mind in Barnet about how individuals and organisations can do more to support staff mental health and London Borough of Barnet managers told us about Mental Health First Aiders in the workplace, and other support staff in Barnet.
Able Futures and Twining Enterprise shared their work supporting residents with their mental health in the workplace. Saracens joined CommUNITY Barnet and us to relax and warm up the team those in attendance in between sessions. The event was chaired by The Worshipful, the Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet Councillor Caroline Stock, and we were pleased to have the closing remarks from Dr Louise Miller, the
Clinical Lead for Mental Health in Barnet.
World Mental Health Day
- October 2020
Hub Connections reconvened in October to celebrate World Mental Health Day and focussed on making mental health accessible for all. The event was chaired by the Mayor of Barnet and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Over 60 members of the public were joined by a representative from Barnet Wellbeing Service partners such as Mind in Barnet, Barnet Refugee Service and statutory partners from Barnet council and the mental health trust.
We heard from the Ubele Initiative about mapping mental health services for BAME communities, Jami about the Headroom Café as a safe space for mental health service users and AIDEXCEL about their work supporting families Barnet.
Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis
- June 2020
The first our online Hub connections saw us joined by Jess Baines-Holmes, Programme Director, Covid Community Response and Deputy Director Adults Joint Commissioning to reflect on the Barnet communities response to the Covid pandemic.
Our 70 attendees heard from Barnet Wellbeing Service partners about how they have been adapting to the Covid crisis and ensuring that clients and residents have continued access to essential mental health and wellbeing services in Barnet remotely during the first wave of coronavirus.
The day was interspaced with wellbeing activities.
You can watch the full presentation here