Cancer Awareness in Barnet
In May, a new local campaign was launched in Barnet to encourage individuals who have symptoms that may be suggestive of cancer to contact their GP practice. Delivered by the North Central London Cancer Alliance in collaboration with the NCL Clinical Commissioning Group and council Public Health team, the campaign will also aim to increase the number of people taking part in screening when invited.
If you have any of the following symptoms:
· Unexpected bleeding, like blood in your poo, pee or spit
· Unexplained lump
· Unexplained pain that lasts three weeks or more
· Persistent cough that lasts three weeks or more
· Unexplained weight loss
You should contact your GP practice to arrange a check.
It may be nothing serious – in fact, more than 9 out of 10 people are not diagnosed with cancer.
However, finding cancer early makes it more treatable.
That’s why it’s also important to take part in routine cancer screening when invited.
The way you make an appointment may have changed, but your GP practice is open for check-ups and screenings and healthcare professionals are available to see you safely.
Community Barnet was delighted to host a very successful cancer awareness event with Barnet Mencap on Wednesday 21st July.
We had more than 30 people attend, including:
Rory Cooper- Health and Social Care Senior Manager, CommUNITY Barnet (Chair)
Carole Dukes- Lead Engagement Coordinator, Barnet Mencap
Beth Dahill- Transformation Lead, North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group
Sue Blain- Barnet resident, Chair of Primary Care Group and patient representative
Invited to speak were:
Dr Zareena Cuddis - Macmillan GP for BARNET and GP at Cornwall House Surgery, Finchley
Ray Booth - Barnet Mencap, Chief Executive
Some of the topics we looked at:
What to look out for and what to do next
The importance of cancer screening
Cancer screening for people with learning disabilities
Addressing concerns about accessing our GP
You can access the presentation with all accompanying material here
Cancer Awareness event
Community Barnet and Barnet Mencap are hosting a public
engagement event focusing on Cancer Awareness on Wednesday
21st July at 2.30pm for 80- 90 minutes.
We will be joined by health professionals from Barnet and North
Central London to discuss the importance of cancer awareness
and screening but also to discuss and hear from the public about
their concerns, questions or anxieties around cancer, screening and
accessing their GP and the NHS currently.
Public meeting; all welcome.
When 2.30pm to 4pm
Where: Online, Zoom;
We will be joined by a range of health professionals to hear about:
• Cancer awareness in Barnet and North Central London
• What to look out for and what to do next
• Importance of cancer screening
• Addressing concerns about accessing our GP
• New wellbeing and health messages as we leave lockdown
and a: Question and Answer session-
We want to hear from you!
Contact: for more information
and join us using