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Blogs to Follow

Barnet Wellbeing Team

Wellness blogs are great way to stay informed and be inspired when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. From nutrition and fitness to spiritual and mental health, these websites are full of useful resources to help boost your well-being.

Why follow? Lee Funke, founder of Fit Foodie Finds, leads her followers in finding balanced, healthy recipes without labelling foods “bad” or “off-limits.” This site is a great resource for nutritious recipes that are simple to prep ahead of time, resulting in delicious homemade hummus or Asian broccoli salad that are ready to grab-and-go during your busy week. Funke also writes openly about her struggle with depression and anxiety and the wellness strategies she uses to prioritize her mental health.

Nutrition Stripped

Why follow? After migraines and lethargy led her to rock bottom, dietician and nutritionist McKel Hill finally found her calling: the world of nutrition. She launched Nutrition Stripped as a way to encourage readers to experience their bodies as they were meant to function. She does this through lifestyle articles, recipes, interviews and other handy resources.

NAMI blog

Why follow? As the official blog of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the NAMI blog offers evidence-based advice surrounding a variety of mental health issues, without any judgment or shame. From raising a child with OCD to explaining what it’s like to experience hallucinations, this blog covers it all. NAMI also offers readers the chance to “ask the expert” any burning questions that haven’t already been tackled.

Healthy Living by HuffPost

Why follow? You’ve surely heard of the Huffington Post, and their Healthy Living blog lives up to its name. Not only do articles cover tips and tricks for your own health and wellness in all areas, but they also give helpful advice on how to assist friends and family in achieving a healthy lifestyle. If you’re looking for a slightly more newsy or political take on wellness topics, this is your go-to website.

Lots more information under our Self-help tab on this site.

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